Best Electrical Engineering College in Bhubaneswar Odisha
Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. It now covers a range of subtopics including power, electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications. The huge need for electricity generation, transmission and distribution will require large number of trained professionals in this field. The demand for electricity in growing Indian economy is such and per capita power consumption in the country is so low that for long time in tothe future, new power plants will be built and distribution network will be needed to take the power to the consumers. In Odisha alone the number of power plants which are under construction to take advantage of the vast reserves of coal is large. Alternative energy is also gaining a strong foot hold around the world in light of the climate change and global warming that is threatening the earth's very existence. Solar, nuclear, wind, geo-thermal, tidal energy among many other are likely to make electrical engineering a very exciting field. Besides providing excellent faculty and laboratory infrastructure, KMBB College of Engineering and Technology will be partnering with emerging firms such as Green light Planet Inc. ( to provide students with hands-on opportunity to undertake projects in the field of renewable energy.